LA Accident Times

Accidents happen every day; some are simply that — life’s accidents — but some are completely preventable and happen due to someone’s utter negligence. When the carelessness of someone else results in a personal injury of you or a loved one, it is an infuriating, scary and confusing time in your life. You know that someone did something wrong and should be held accountable, but fear of the unknown of the legal world or taking on the insurance company keeps you from speaking out.
Our attorneys at the  hope to alleviate some of the fear of the unknown through this blogging forum. We want this blog to serve as a stepping stone toward our readers finding confidence through knowledge. Regularly, we will post news stories regarding  personal injury cases and law, most likely focusing on the following popular types of cases:

The posts will mainly cover news based in Louisiana; however, when a national story is applicable to our state laws or opens up a widely important legal conversation, we will post those stories as well.
As a practice,  always encourages client involvement and feedback, and we know that that involvement increases the likelihood of success. Blogs in particular are meant to be open forums wherein the writers and readers share ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc. So please, feel free to post your thoughts on this blog, and we will do our best to accommodate you in a timely manner.
If you are involved in a personal injury case and have specific legal questions, do not wait to contact an experienced lawyer. We would be happy to compassionately listen to your case and provide you with the honest guidance you need to confidently move forward.
Thank you for your time and participation. We look forward to blogging with you!

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